We talk a lot about how Big Money tries to influence our government through campaign contributions, independent expenditures, and unaccountable dark money spending. Usually, we think of how corporate interests spend on legislative and executive elections to benefit their bottom line. But we cannot ignore some of the subtler ways Big Money is undermining our… Read more
Tag: activism
Walking to Fix Our Democracy UPDATE! Rick Hubbard is Going West in September
Last month, we told you about Rick Hubbard, who is walking across America to help inspire us to fix our broken democracy. Rick’s official walk begins on October 1, but in September he is driving from Vermont to Los Angeles to meet up with activists along the way. Rick has been good enough to share… Read more
Citizen Spotlight: Rick Hubbard is Walking across America to Fix Our Democracy
This month, we’re spotlighting Rick Hubbard, who is walking across America to help inspire us to fix our broken democracy. Rick is a Vermont native and former national board member of Common Cause who previously walked with Granny D and has long advocated for ending the corrupting influence of big money in politics. Rick’s walk… Read more
Want to Improve Your Health? Stand Up for Democracy!
If you’re a part of the Stampede, you already know that grassroots movements are good for the health of our democracy. But did you know they’re also good for your personal health? Numerous studies have shown that civic engagement and activism have positive effects on our physical and mental well-being. For example, people who feel… Read more
The Art of Bird Dogging
We’ve all seen it before: a candidate or representative giving a roundabout, not-really-an-answer response to a policy question framed by a voter. We drive ourselves nuts trying to discern their position on an issue and hope we drew the right conclusion when it comes time to vote. There is, however, a solution: the classic art… Read more
March on Harrisburg Recap: 110 Miles, 20 Arrests, 1 Major Co-Sponsor
The March on Harrisburg 2019 ended on Monday, and after ten days of nonviolent civil disobedience, the democracy warriors of MOH made great progress on the Gift Ban. The marchers set off from Thomas Paine Plaza in Philadelphia on a sunny Saturday morning. They marched between ten and eighteen miles daily, flyering for their cause… Read more
EVENT NOTICE: March on Harrisburg Starts Saturday, April 27th!
Attention, Stampers! The March on Harrisburg is back! The latest March on Harrisburg begins this Saturday, April 27th, in Philadelphia and culminates with a protest in Harrisburg on Monday, March 6th! The March is an incredible opportunity to push for democracy reform on the state level, and we encourage you to attend if you can!… Read more