Stamper ID: YEAH

Hometown: Denver, CO

Lifetime Found Bill Report Ranking: 772

Number of Times Reported: 11

Estimated Impressions: 9,625 times

Number of States Reported In: 5

Stamped in All States Ranking: 712

Why I Stamp:

To be a vesicle of LOVE. To reach out via the very instrument that steals our Life-force for psychopathic greed and utilize it to TOUCH, MOVE and INSPIRE.



Relationship status:

Purposely Solo

Favorite Stamp(s):

Not to be Used to Bribe Politicians – Guru Stamp

Favorite Place to Spend Stamped Money:

I am weaning myself off the vile, psychopathic credit card surveillance system. I now try to use CASH-IN-HAND for as many purchases as possible. So… EVERYWHERE!

What would tickle my heart is bearing witness to WE THE PEOPLE dismantling the psychopathic banking regime and putting back into place WE THE PEOPLE’s banking system for the GREATEST GOOD FOR ALL.

Your children and grandchildren can NEVER be FREE if we will not CO-CREATE this vital, interdependent structure.

Tips for Fellow Stampers:

Fight the good fight!


College + ongoing Life training.

Job / Profession / Work:



Hikes in Nature, music, ukulele, drums, art, photography, webdesign, video editing, Community

What Makes Me Happy:

Witnessing WE THE PEOPLE waking from the drug-induced coma and RISING TOGETHER for the GREATEST GOOD FOR ALL.

Witnessing our YOUTH willing to get involved, take a stand and co-create their future. After all, they’re the ones stuck with all our collective bullshit.

General Comments:

Let’s be the LOVE that we are. RISE!

PSsst… I love you.  😉

Recent Sightings

Stamper: YEAH, Denver, CO

Sighted in: Colorado Springs, CO

Date Reported: December 25 at 12:24 pm EST

Possession: I was baby sitting and I got it

Stamper: YEAH, Denver, CO

Sighted in: Fort Collins, CO

Date Reported: April 26 at 5:49 pm EST

Possession: Change from buying a donught

Stamper: YEAH, Denver, CO

Sighted in: Birmingham, AL

Date Reported: April 7 at 12:29 pm EST

Possession: One of my daughters friends at Minor Elementary School in Birmingham, Alabama gave it to her. Her friend got the dollar from his dad.

Stamper: YEAH, Denver, CO

Sighted in: Rio Rancho, NM

Date Reported: April 5 at 12:30 am EST

Stamper: YEAH, Denver, CO

Sighted in: Orem, UT

Date Reported: March 11 at 4:42 pm EST

Possession: Working the register at the Sundance mountain resort food truck

YEAH's Map of Found Bill Reports

Reported Date Location How did this come into your possession? Times Bill Sighted Image
12/25/2018 Colorado Springs, CO I was baby sitting and I got it 1
4/26/2018 Fort Collins, CO Change from buying a donught 1
4/7/2018 Birmingham, AL One of my daughters friends at Minor Elementary School in Birmingham, Alabama gave it to her. Her friend got the dollar from his dad. 1
4/5/2018 Rio Rancho, NM 1
3/11/2018 Orem, UT Working the register at the Sundance mountain resort food truck 1
3/6/2018 Denver, CO 1
2/28/2018 Broomfield, CO little dog register 1
2/12/2018 Northglenn, CO In a store 1
2/5/2018 Lakewood, CO I was giving this lady a lap dance and she stuck it between my boot straps, so I would lick her face. 1
1/5/2018 Rockaway, NJ I changed her for twenties in Colorado and brought it with me to NJ 1 View Bills
12/2/2017 Wheat Ridge, CO Arts & Crafts Sale 1