Stamper ID: ELSA

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Lifetime Found Bill Report Ranking: 1861

Number of Times Reported: 934

Estimated Impressions: 817,250 times

Number of States Reported In: 3

Stamped in All States Ranking: 1,199

Recent Sightings

Stamper: ELSA, San Francisco, CA

Sighted in: Anchorage, AK

Date Reported: June 9 at 3:50 pm EST

Possession: Tip money from a tour

Stamper: ELSA, San Francisco, CA

Sighted in: San Leandro, CA

Date Reported: September 14 at 10:11 pm EST

Possession: Someone pay me when i was working.

Stamper: ELSA, San Francisco, CA

Sighted in: Carlsbad, CA

Date Reported: April 21 at 3:23 am EST

Possession: I found this at my favorite lettuce shop!

Lawrence Wong's Map of Found Bill Reports

Reported Date Location How did this come into your possession? Times Bill Sighted Image
6/9/2024 Anchorage, AK Tip money from a tour 2
9/15/2023 San Leandro, CA Someone pay me when i was working. 2 View Bills
4/21/2023 Carlsbad, CA I found this at my favorite lettuce shop! 1