Stamper ID: BRYN

Hometown: Whittier, CA

Lifetime Found Bill Report Ranking: 689

Number of Times Reported: 12

Estimated Impressions: 10,500 times

Number of States Reported In: 3

Stamped in All States Ranking: 1,169

Why I Stamp:

Plato once said that a democracy would fail unless Politicians took a vow of poverty. He was right, and that’s why I stamp.



Relationship status:

In a relationship

Started Stamping Date:

August 16, 2018


Philosophy major

Job / Profession / Work:

Home health

Recent Sightings

Stamper: BRYN, Whittier, CA

Sighted in: , CA

Date Reported: October 13 at 4:49 pm EST

Possession: I received this bill from my roommate in exchange for pizza. He received it as change.

Stamper: BRYN, Whittier, CA

Sighted in: Albuquerque, NM

Date Reported: August 7 at 12:50 pm EST

Stamper: BRYN, Whittier, CA

Sighted in: Brea, CA

Date Reported: June 24 at 1:35 am EST

Possession: I work at the Carl's jr in brea and I got this bill as payment and i traded my $1 for the stamped bill because I thought it was interesting

Stamper: BRYN, Whittier, CA

Sighted in: Los Angeles, CA

Date Reported: May 25 at 10:12 pm EST

Stamper: BRYN, Whittier, CA

Sighted in: Stockton, CA

Date Reported: March 23 at 7:13 pm EST

Bryan's Map of Found Bill Reports

Reported Date Location How did this come into your possession? Times Bill Sighted Image
10/13/2019 , CA I received this bill from my roommate in exchange for pizza. He received it as change. 1 View Bills
8/7/2019 Albuquerque, NM 1
6/24/2019 Brea, CA I work at the Carl's jr in brea and I got this bill as payment and i traded my $1 for the stamped bill because I thought it was interesting 1
5/26/2019 Los Angeles, CA 1
3/23/2019 Stockton, CA 1
3/4/2019 Fullerton, CA 1
2/15/2019 Los Angeles, CA change 1
1/16/2019 Bakersfield, CA Someone give it to me 1 View Bills
12/22/2018 Santa Tecla, AL Actually is in El Salvador in Central America. I got it from a person who bought me a ponche, which is a typical beverage of our country. 1
12/4/2018 Oceanside, CA 1
11/26/2018 Whittier, CA I received change from something I bought. 1 View Bills
11/5/2018 LA, CA I valet cars at the strip club in LA and one of the customers tipped me 13$ in which one of them had the stamp 1