Stamper ID: 6789

Hometown: Grass Valley, CA

Lifetime Found Bill Report Ranking: 2248

Number of Times Reported: 2

Estimated Impressions: 1,750 times

Number of States Reported In: 2

Stamped in All States Ranking: 1,679

Why I Stamp:

Why to raise the power of the individual and return America to the citizens, of course!

Recent Sightings

Stamper: 6789, Grass Valley, CA

Sighted in: Rupert, ID

Date Reported: October 10 at 10:50 am EST

Possession: I am a Bookkeeper at a Middle school and the money was used to buy a yearbook.

Stamper: 6789, Grass Valley, CA

Sighted in: Grass Valley, CA

Date Reported: November 26 at 1:40 pm EST

Michael Freedman's Map of Found Bill Reports

Reported Date Location How did this come into your possession? Times Bill Sighted Image
10/10/2023 Rupert, ID I am a Bookkeeper at a Middle school and the money was used to buy a yearbook. 1
11/26/2017 Grass Valley, CA 1