Recent Sightings
Stamper: 3000
Sighted in: Surprise, AZ
Date Reported: October 29 at 12:07 pm EST
Possession: Just
Stamper: 3000
Sighted in: Spokane, WA
Date Reported: November 2 at 10:39 pm EST
Possession: Received from the bank.
Stamper: 3000
Sighted in: Las angelas, CA
Date Reported: February 21 at 11:10 pm EST
Stamper: 3000
Sighted in: Talkeetna, AK
Date Reported: February 3 at 7:56 pm EST
Possession: #DenaliMayorCat found this at Nagley's Store
Stamper: 3000
Sighted in: Talkeetna, AK
Date Reported: December 27 at 7:00 pm EST
Possession: #DenaliMayorCat found this at Nagley's Store
3000's Map of Found Bill Reports
Reported Date | Location | How did this come into your possession? | Times Bill Sighted | Image |
10/29/2024 | Surprise, AZ | Just | 1 | |
11/3/2020 | Spokane, WA | Received from the bank. | 1 | View Bills |
2/22/2020 | Las angelas, CA | 1 | ||
2/4/2020 | Talkeetna, AK | #DenaliMayorCat found this at Nagley's Store | 2 | |
12/28/2019 | Talkeetna, AK | #DenaliMayorCat found this at Nagley's Store | 2 | |
12/14/2019 | Spokane, WA | I got it in change from a burger joint called Classic Burger in the River Park Square mall in Spokane | 1 | View Bills |