NEW resources for stampers!

Early this month, we reached out to stampers who had 3-5 bills found to organize a “Town Hall” style conference call with Head Stamper, Ben Cohen.


We were looking to ask these newer stampers about their experience joining The Stampede. Get their feedback on some of the processes that are working and looking for suggestions for improvement.


We reached out to about 200 stampers from all over the country – and on March 5th, we were able to talk with stampers from California to New York and a few places in between to hear what Stamping is like for them


It was WONDERFUL to hear about the ideas these stampers had, the work they were doing, and the ways they wanted to build the movement.


We wanted to share some of their suggestions with all of you and remind you that you can engage with us with YOUR suggestions at Here are some key points from the conversation.


  1. Stamping for events.

Are you an activist and networker who is attending events in your community? If you have ideas and places where having stamps and promoting The Stamp Stampede might be interesting to your crowd, you can coordinate with us to make sure you have the tools you need to make this happen. Since The Stampede’s outreach work is very volunteer driven, we need people all over the country who are willing to set up stamping stations, sell stamps, or spread the word. Talk with us by emailing or check out our downloads and resources page where you can get brochures, stamps, banners, or information. We are here to help you!


  1. More information for Banks & Financial Institutions

We’ve heard that having some legal information for your deposits would be helpful. While we suggest you stamp smaller denominations of bills and use them in your normal spending, we also want to make sure you have the resources to manage your money in any way you see fit. Here you can find a printable document you can share with your banks if they aren’t sure what to make of your stamped bills.


  1. Proper Stamping Techniques

You asked, we’re delivering. Here’s a handy dandy guide to the best places to stamp on a bill! We love this and are so glad you asked for it!


  1. New to Stamping and need some help explaining the work?

Have no fear – a Stampede Brochure is here! We’ve got all the information you need to explain what we are doing and why – but in no time, you’ll be able to talk about The Stamp Stampede in 60 seconds or less!


  1. We’re including a sample intro email for anyone who wants to share this information with their friends and loved ones but can’t find the words. This resource is sure to set you up to recruit more stampers.

We love sharing photos of what Stampers are doing on our social media – and seeing all the work the people are doing to fight for their voice in our political system. Send photos, tips, or questions to today.

Want to be included in our next call? Reach out and we will add your name to the list!

Keep on stamping!


-The Stampede