The tax scam, net neutrality, drilling in the Arctic wildlife-refuge, it’s simple, lawmakers have sold out the American people for campaign contributions and kickbacks. Join Ben and thousands of people across the country and pledge to stamp on January 21, 2018, as part of a massive, decentralized collective action to legally rubber stamp messages like “Not To Be Used To Bribe Politicians” on over 2 million bills.
January 21, 2018, is the 8th anniversary of the infamous Citizens United SupremeCourt decision that opened the floodgates of unlimited money to buy access and influence with local, state, and federal officials.
The beautiful thing about stamping is that anyone can do it, anytime, anywhere. You stamp it, you spend it, and together, we’ll create a tsunami of stamped bills that will circulate and be seen over one billion times. That’s a protest Congress can’t ignore.
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