We need YOU to  PLEDGE TO STAMP in January!


In Citizens United v. FEC, The Supreme Court opened the door for corporations and billionaires to buy access and influence in Washington.  The Court says money is free speech, so on the 9th anniversary of Citizens United, we’re making our money scream by legally rubber-stamping messages like “Not To Be Used To Bribe Politicians” on over 2.5 million bills.

That’s 2.5 million miniature billboards calling on Democrats, Republicans, and independents to work together to get big money out of politics and fix our democracy.

But we can’t do it without you.  Click here to pledge the number of bills you will stamp — you can pledge to stamp one bill or you can pledge to stamp one thousand bills.

You stamp it, you spend it, and together, we’ll create a tsunami of stamped bills demanding free and fair elections.

Last year, over 18,000 people helped stamp 1.9 million dollar bills.  It was huge.  To date, 19 states and over 800 communities have passed resolutions calling for the 28th Amendment to overturn Citizens United.  But we need to keep the pressure on Congress to act.

Pledge to stamp, invite your friends, post photos on social media, and stay tuned for updates on how together, we can make a huge impact to take on corruption in U.S. politics and take back our democracy.

Pledged, but need a stamp to get to work? You can order a stamp at our online store here. 

Ben Cohen
Co-Founder of Ben & Jerry’s
Head Stamper,